суббота, 20 февраля 2016 г.

Online practice. Is it good?!

                           Online practice. Is it good?!

                The number of online platforms for practising is constantly increasing. In my opinion, this way of learning is the best way for practice. Also online resourses can help you to get knowledge.
                For example Khan Academy, this platform is collection of videos. Videos are lectures for ten minutes or a little bit more. The creator of Khan Academy (Salman Khan) explains a principle of a subject ranging from Maths, Chemistry and Economics to History and Biology.
                Firstly, I am sure that after a school day and after lessons which are full of theory online practice is the best way to refresh  all the course material that has been learnt. Moreover, student can practise during the game.
               Secondly, if you're busy on your job, you can increase your level of knowledge by online platforms. You can train your brain at home! What can be better?
               Some teachers don't agree with this way of learning, they think that this system can be counterproductive.
               All in all, I think that this way of practice will evolve with a great speed in the future!

вторник, 9 февраля 2016 г.

Topic 4. Still a mystery.

                                       Still a mystery.

                 More than a half of the world is still a mystery. I would love to tell you about some mysterious events and strange creatures. First of all, about UFO, just because UFO is the first idea when you think about the mystery. Thousands witness strange lights over Phoenix, Arizona. Strange wreckage and alien bodies examined at the Roswell Army Base. Everything is a big secret. On the other hand, Stephen Hawking feels sure that we are not alone in the universe. He is pretty famous in physics as a scientist.

             Moreover, I can tell you about Big Foot and prehistoric animal such as dinosaur. What can I tell you about Big Foot? 80% of all accounts are ordinary animals - a few fakes, a few hoaxes. But it's that 20% of unknowns that keep cryptologists going. They want to know the truth.
A few words about dinosaur. Scientists found the Dinosaurs' DNA in bones a few years ago. That is why there is now nothing to stop us bringing back dinosaurs, whether is it a good idea or  not is another question.

             One more mysterious place is Laos, where the fireballs are shooting up. The first part of believers think that the fireballs are a breath of Naga, a mythical snake in the river. The second part of believers think that this is a natural phenomenon caused by methane gas bubbles. The world is full of secrets. But you can choose side of science or side of legends.

понедельник, 8 февраля 2016 г.

Introduction to nouns

                                   Introduction to nouns 

Of all the parts of speech, nouns are perhaps the most important. If you try to figure out what the noun is, you need to ask yourself:
  • is it a person?
  • is it a place?
  • is it a thing?
  • is it an idea?
 Linguistically, a noun is a member of a large, open part of speech whose members can occur as the main word in the subject of a clause, the object of a verb, or the object of a preposition.

For example: you can see the picture of Flash.

This is Flash (noun, person)
He is a superhero (noun, thing or a person)
He is from USA (noun,place)
He has big dreams and goals (nouns, ideas)

вторник, 2 февраля 2016 г.

What does it mean “Doing the right thing?” Topic 3

               What does it mean “Doing the right thing?”

                                                             Topic  3
        There are many ways of solving the world issues/problems. Such as recycle old materials, help the elderly, donate money to charities. Now our world is calling to make donations to a charity. You can donate money to the homeless people. Sam Browne felt sure that this is important, because he participated in the project, where he became homeless for a day. That day taught him how much homeless need our help. People need to understand needy people, for example Mitch McGregor, he spent summer helping poor kids to get an education. He learnt that no matter how bad conditionals are, there is always hope future. Many people understand all importance of charities, that is why in the world a lot of organizations or brave people, who are doing something for charities. For example Glastonbury Festival. It’s about promoting green issues, humanitarianism, and freedom of expression during musical performances. What about brave people? Ed Stafford became the first man in history, who walked entire length of the Amazon river for the charity (against deforestation)! How can we help to fight deforestation?
  • ·        Recycle paper
  • ·        Support charities
  • ·        Take part in tree-planting days.

As a result, I feel sure that we need to help protect the environment. Thank you.