Needless to say that these two age groups are completely different in approach to studying in general. English, as a subject, stands out, due to the fact that 5th graders and 11th graders have different mindsets in terms of languages.
One of the starting points in language studying is enriching vocabulary. While eleven-year-olds have to memorize both words and translations, young adults can easily decipher the meaning of any word from a context or by knowing the root of a word. Moreover, if you know more words and synonyms, you’ll have a problem with choosing the word to be more sophisticated and precise. Essentially, enlarging vocabulary for 5th graders is as tough and intricate as choosing a right spectrum of words for each topic for 11th graders.
Children in 5th grade comparatively have just started learning English grammar, they just need to understand and follow simple rules. Nonetheless, senior students need to choose correctly out of a wide range of grammar structures, such as the causative, passive voice, 12 different tenses or reported speech. It might seem easier but it’s definitely not.
Listening and speaking are the most important parts of the English language, especially when you consider that language was made to communicate with people and express yourself. A 5th grader is not skilled enough to speak and comprehend fluently. Therefore, there are deprived of “fun learning”. 11th grade is all about fun, creative and interactive learning because students can be educated by a live chat with a foreigner or by YouTube, Ted, Netflix. Basically, senior students can really interact with a world in English, which is definitely helpful for every aspect of English studying, whether it’s grammar, use of English or listening. It doesn’t always mean that it’s an easy path to choose, it’s complicated enough and a language barrier can be a deal breaker.
Overall, 5th grade is a unique period of time, when you must explore the theoretical material. Even though it doesn’t sound fun, it benefits you in a long run.

One of the starting points in language studying is enriching vocabulary. While eleven-year-olds have to memorize both words and translations, young adults can easily decipher the meaning of any word from a context or by knowing the root of a word. Moreover, if you know more words and synonyms, you’ll have a problem with choosing the word to be more sophisticated and precise. Essentially, enlarging vocabulary for 5th graders is as tough and intricate as choosing a right spectrum of words for each topic for 11th graders.
Children in 5th grade comparatively have just started learning English grammar, they just need to understand and follow simple rules. Nonetheless, senior students need to choose correctly out of a wide range of grammar structures, such as the causative, passive voice, 12 different tenses or reported speech. It might seem easier but it’s definitely not.
Listening and speaking are the most important parts of the English language, especially when you consider that language was made to communicate with people and express yourself. A 5th grader is not skilled enough to speak and comprehend fluently. Therefore, there are deprived of “fun learning”. 11th grade is all about fun, creative and interactive learning because students can be educated by a live chat with a foreigner or by YouTube, Ted, Netflix. Basically, senior students can really interact with a world in English, which is definitely helpful for every aspect of English studying, whether it’s grammar, use of English or listening. It doesn’t always mean that it’s an easy path to choose, it’s complicated enough and a language barrier can be a deal breaker.
Overall, 5th grade is a unique period of time, when you must explore the theoretical material. Even though it doesn’t sound fun, it benefits you in a long run.