четверг, 20 декабря 2018 г.

Break ups don't have to leave us broken

For this statement:

1. Energy that you spend on dealing with a break-up could be spent more usefully
2. No one likes to be down, depression might really worsen your life tremendously
3. Being broken, you can't control your emotions so you can hurt someone else
4. You might develop trust issues
5. Loneliness came knocking on the door

Against this statement:

1. What doesn't kill you make you stronger
2. You get more life experience
3. You will develop a skill of distinguishing skinny love
4. If you're down, the only way is going up! (Improving yourself)
5. You acknowledge the whole spectrum of emotions (Living a full life with ups and downs)

Картинки по запросу break up

суббота, 15 декабря 2018 г.

Comparison of Pavel and Gavin

         Well, there are a few similarities in those two handsome men as well as a bunch of differences. Pavel seems to be more friendly than Gavin, due to Pavel's broad smile and his shining eyes. However, Gavin, as well as Pavel, tends to give an impression of a successful, intelligent and mature person. Maturity is not the only thing that unites them, both of them wear shirts, but whilst Gavin is dressed formally, Pavel's outfit is all about relaxing weekend. In a comparison, Gavin is shown as a speaker on a conference, while Pavel is definitely somewhere outdoors. Also, Gavin's appearance may give a hint on his nationality or, at least, that he is not from a  Slavic country, whereas Pavel's physical appearance really points to his Slavic roots. Generally, Gavin looks more like a business shark, comparing to Pavel, whose look tells us that he is a charming, smart, and, most importantly, happy man! 

четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

Why do we need rights?

          How can you define "rights"? Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Considering this statement, it's clear that rights are that glue, which literally holds up the whole mankind. Imagine the world without rights, with a freedom in a negative sense: crime and chaos. People, as soon as they are born, are provided with a wide range of rights, because it's your defense and a border line.

Deprived of rights, people are basically turning into uncontrolled, violent mass. Justice, responsibilities, boarders equal rights. It may sounds sort of strange or even a bit of crazy but justice is a starting point of healthy social relationships and society itself. If there's justice, men and women are punished honestly and a trial system functions as it suppose to. With rights you may use your chance to be defended, so your life won't be trapped into a prison cell. Basically, rights provide people with an opportunity to live happily and not think about any danger (excluding natural disasters, of course). 

Furthermore, as rights are given to everyone, no one is privileged. Rights are above corruption, because if you have money, you rule the world, but everybody has the same rights. Although, the way people use rights is a different story. 

         However, rights worth nothing if there is division. For instance, women used to have less rights both in the workplace and at home, an era of patriarchate if you will. As well as women, there are a lot more exceptions connected with race, nation, sexuality, physical appearance, social status and e.t.c. Without a doubt, it's nothing but an outrageous situation. For this very reason, people don't want to be silent anymore, they start to get attention and pushing the idea of equality further into masses. That's certainly the best way to go. Where equality and human rights are assessed, based on evidence and the meaningful involvement of communities, stronger relationships will be built and it will be easier to demonstrate fairness, transparency, accessibility and accountability. 

         Why do we need rights? We wouldn’t be able to live without them. They're a structure and a system and people are the filling. 
Картинки по запросу rights

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Why should we have rights? List

1. To be able to express ourselves. (Right for Freedom of expression)

Need for Freedom of expression in NYT

2. To end any sort of discrimination and have no prejudices. (Equality in the workplace)

Ending discrimination in the workplace NYT

3. To be able to stand for yourself and be defended, if needed. (Right for justice)

Human Rights Movement NYT

4. To have a voice, which matters. (Right for a free choice)

How this right works in the politics NYT

5. So people can live a full life despite all the divisions. (Equal Rights Amendment)

Living to the fullest without any labels NYT

6. To be able to legally start families. (Right for marriage)

Free marriages NYT

7. To be able to have your own opinion. (Problem of a Mind Control)

How the government cuts the right of having an opinion NYT

8. To be able to be an activist and try to improve the quality of life. (Freedom of change)

Human Rights Movement Part 2 NYT

9. To live happily with racial, social and economic justice, and not to have arguments (or wars) over them. (Right for justice and peace)

Justice and peace NYT

10. To not be afraid for your life. (Right for peace)

How people were deprived of this right NYT
Картинки по запросу new york times