понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

Modern Living

      First and foremost, I'd rather describe modern life as a century of specialization. Looked at from the standpoint of the social system, the aim of specialization may seem desirable enough. The aim is to see that the responsibilities are given into the hands of the most skilled, best-prepared people. For this reasons, there are an enormous amount of professionals in all spheres of life these days.
        I can't help saying that technology and science developed tremendously. It's basically what makes life modern and unique. Nanotechnology is a real breakthrough, which is being used in medicine. There is even speculation that materials can be developed that will allow machines to repair themselves in much the same way that the human body does. Nevertheless, we should always keep in mind that there are specific barriers, which we need to respect. For instance, there is no doubt, that we need to control robots and don't let them in our personal life. Machines are machines. Those are the thoughts of Baley's boss from the science-fiction book called "Caves of Steel" by Isaac Asimov. It is a soul that makes people be sensible and emotional, we just shouldn't get away from it. 
        So many men, so many minds. Speaking of real modern life, we can't but say that it's necessary to take into account some personal sides of the topic, which have been around for centuries, such as happiness and bravery. To some extent, both happiness, and bravery have changed in the new lifestyle, but the sense has always been the same - caring and sharing. To be more precise, happiness is not about money or fame, being happy means being grateful, accepting and filled with positive emotions. Speaking of bravery, I'd like to illustrate my words and give an example. Professor Leonid Roshan is truly a modern hero, he spent a tremendous amount of time to become a pediatric surgeon. Moreover, He devoted his career to help people and share kindness. 
       Overall, I bet that the majority of people have a positive outlook on the future. We all feel radical changes, and if we stay conscious and sensible, we will build a great and flabbergasting future.