понедельник, 19 февраля 2018 г.

All modules in Reported speech

         Ideas worth spreading, especially when you consider that such mature and wise thoughts about modern living or environmental issues may actually change our world. Well, ideas and dreams may sometimes have an incredible and stupendous effect on people's lives.
         For this very reason, classmates and I were given the task to go and share the information. There were five main topics, which we were supposed to unite into the one educational and enlightening speech. There were: environmental issues and nature, modern living, dreams and goals, literature and, finally, health.
         First and foremost, I've shared information about the National Park, called Tsingy Bemaraha. I said that with such a tremendous collection of species under its care, The Madagascan government had set aside about fifty areas of special interest as national parks. Secondly, I told everyone that humpback whales were under the threat of extinction, due to some environmental problems, such as oil pollution or water pollution. Moreover, the information about eco-tourism, signs of the times and the London Marathon was shared. In short, people make choices every day. It really depends on different factors, time, money, ego or feelings are the most obvious ones, but we should always choose for the best. I said that people were the only one, who were responsible to choose to be brave and have a strong will power, to be eco-friendly and to move with the times. 
         In addition, I insisted on reading more books, which, literally, reflect our problems and predict the future. For instance, I told that Baley's boss in the science-fiction book called "The Caves of Steel" was the only one, who believed that we shouldn't stay away from nature. Surprisingly, but history teacher warned me not to become a modern-style addict. It's quite sensible that we need to be in contact with nature and don't let robots into our everyday life. 

         All in all, I said to them that people had been living egotistically for a long time. Anyway, we need remain sensible in any situation. 

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