вторник, 15 ноября 2016 г.

A report

        The aim of this report is to suggest ways of improving hospitals' conditions for children. In case to protect Welsh young generation and make sure that they are able to cope with any future pressures.
        First of all, I suggest you to find more pleasant and ecofriendly place to build a childrens' hospital in order to make a fully protection from radioactive materials and air pollutions. Therefore you can be allowed to build a hospital in the North Wales, the cleanest place with a great view.
       Although, children always need to have time for walking outside, because it increases  level of health. For this reason, I suggest to check the quality of  Welsh water and air. The Welsh Government monitors levels of pollution, moreover government works with the organisations responsible to comply with the latest European standards. Therefore, I suggest you to watch new from the government. 
      All in all, moving to the new destination, which is truly ecofriendly and peaceful can increase level of recovery.

The Welsh Government site
Picture: North Wales

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