воскресенье, 16 сентября 2018 г.

Guess it

Nothing has changed

Albert Einstein once said: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

         Not only schools make the fish climb a tree, they make it climb down and run, jump and crawl for 11 years. Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish? Many kids, who never find their gifts, believing that they're stupid and that they have no talent. They live in the world, where everyone around is jealous of other's success. 

         There are millions of cases when C student outperforms A student in real life situations. They're just simply more successful. Take Mr. Einstein - he was one of the cases. Why is this even a case?

         If you compare Tesla Model X (2015) and  La Marquise (1884)
- enormous change, right? Let's keep going. Iphone XS (2018) and Nokia 3210 (1999). Did you imagine? Alright. Now: classroom nowadays and classroom a century ago. 

Nothing has changed

         School system claims to prepare students for the future. But the question is:

 do you prepare students for the future or the past?

Where it comes from

         The USSR school system was maid to prepare people to work in the industry, in factories. It explains why schools put students in straight rolls and make them sit still, raise the hand if you want to speak, give them a short break to eat and for eight hours a day tell them what to think. 

         Robots system, that's what I'd rather name it. Yet it was considered to be the best int he world. Yes, I get it, it was a different time and different needs.

         However, the world has progressed and we don't need to make robots-zombies. Now we need people who can think differently, creatively, independently with an ability to connect.

         Considering that everyone is different with unique mindsets, why do schools treat children as this one-size-fits-all system? That's horrific. 

Treating employees 

         It's a shame. Teachers have one of the most important jobs on the planet - they touch the heart of a kid and make him interested in the world itself. They fire up the spirit.

Yet they're underpaid

If the new century could customize cars,  health care, and VK pages, it's our duty to do the same with an educational system: To change it, upgrade it, value it. Let's give every gift an equal change. 

We need to focus on collaboration, instead of competition

It's tremendously important to keep in mind that while students are less than 25% of the population, they are 100% percent of the future.

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