воскресенье, 23 сентября 2018 г.

Topic 1 Module

         As we all know communication is key, but what does it mean exactly? Well, to be more precise, the word "communication" has an extensive diversity of definitions and examples. As for me, communication is a wide-range of extremely different actions.
First and foremost, the first thing that comes to my mind is oral communication. However, we should always keep in mind that not everything that people say is a truth, in fact, there's no way that people are completely honest. Nevertheless, there's a way to detect whether the person is lying or not. Gestures, postures and other involuntary signs could help. For instance, rubbing a nose while speaking is a definite sign of a lie.  
Secondly, music can really be a universal language, especially when you consider that music blends barriers between languages. Even though you don't know Russian, you are able to feel and understand music by Russian artists.
Actually, to be absolutely sincere, I believe that every kind of art is a language itself. It goes without saying that there is quite a mixed variety of artists, who speak in their own way, including mimes, clowns, ballet dancers, other dancers. Let's take Slava Polunin as a shining example. You might not know this but his Snowshow is still performed worldwide, due to the fact that he manages to turn the art of mime into a legendary, hilarious story. 

Other than that, I suspect that the most important is non-verbal communication. Smell, touch, sight, and sound are used not only to speak to each other but to share emotions. We all buy new perfumes and try to smell nice because it says a lot about you.
All those communications are very useful to keep in touch with the world around you.

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