I want to talk about the fact that many teenagers don't understand
I can tell you many examples of people who do not want to learn, or otherwise improve yourself and your body, I think that is not good. Such children tend to grow lazy and not laboring workers, I have one or two classmates , who study in "lazy" style, everything that they want it's games, like "Dota 2" and others, they have ability of doing something new, or traveling around the world, but they just don't want... Why???? It's impossible to see every day, just a piece of meat... Sorry, but it's true, guys.
So, I just want to tell you how you can develop your mind and body, I guess It can help you, my friend. From the beginning I tried to find the problem why many of today's children do not have the desire to learn and improve, but only came to 2 conclusions, one of them gadgets, about which I wrote in the past messages, also " a terrible upbringing ". I am just a student and I don't know how do it right, but I think that it's the reason in this situation. (It's about second conclusion)
Moreover, I have a list with some activities which can help you improve your body and mind.
- Dance
- Play musical instruments
- What about chess?
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