During your sleep...
"Man is the only mammal that willingly delays sleep" with this phrase, I would like to begin my story. I read text in my student's book and after reading it, I was surprised, Now I know 3 interesting facts about our "zzzs",I am interested in these facts...
"Scientists still don't know — and probably never will — if animals dream during REM sleep, as humans do." So, I think ever our civilization can find the answer to this question, but I would like to tell you my opinion about "how we see our dreams?" In my opinion, brain you know stay very active during your sleep time and I think that we somehow act on our subconscious and it gives us our feelings in the form of pictures. I think that's exactly what we can change their dreams, just tuning in to the desired picture for 10 minutes before bedtime, but it's just my opinion :)
"Sleep is just as important as diet and exercise." I am ordinary student, every day I must do my homework, sometimes I do it at night, but if I haven't enough rest I will do more exercises, because I think, that it can help my body stay stronger.
"Newborns sleep a total of 14 to 17 hours a day on an irregular schedule with periods of one to three hours spent awake." I cannot believe I'm in the old days was the same :D So, it's some facts about our rest, Thank you!
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