четверг, 20 декабря 2018 г.

Break ups don't have to leave us broken

For this statement:

1. Energy that you spend on dealing with a break-up could be spent more usefully
2. No one likes to be down, depression might really worsen your life tremendously
3. Being broken, you can't control your emotions so you can hurt someone else
4. You might develop trust issues
5. Loneliness came knocking on the door

Against this statement:

1. What doesn't kill you make you stronger
2. You get more life experience
3. You will develop a skill of distinguishing skinny love
4. If you're down, the only way is going up! (Improving yourself)
5. You acknowledge the whole spectrum of emotions (Living a full life with ups and downs)

Картинки по запросу break up

суббота, 15 декабря 2018 г.

Comparison of Pavel and Gavin

         Well, there are a few similarities in those two handsome men as well as a bunch of differences. Pavel seems to be more friendly than Gavin, due to Pavel's broad smile and his shining eyes. However, Gavin, as well as Pavel, tends to give an impression of a successful, intelligent and mature person. Maturity is not the only thing that unites them, both of them wear shirts, but whilst Gavin is dressed formally, Pavel's outfit is all about relaxing weekend. In a comparison, Gavin is shown as a speaker on a conference, while Pavel is definitely somewhere outdoors. Also, Gavin's appearance may give a hint on his nationality or, at least, that he is not from a  Slavic country, whereas Pavel's physical appearance really points to his Slavic roots. Generally, Gavin looks more like a business shark, comparing to Pavel, whose look tells us that he is a charming, smart, and, most importantly, happy man! 

четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г.

Why do we need rights?

          How can you define "rights"? Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Considering this statement, it's clear that rights are that glue, which literally holds up the whole mankind. Imagine the world without rights, with a freedom in a negative sense: crime and chaos. People, as soon as they are born, are provided with a wide range of rights, because it's your defense and a border line.

Deprived of rights, people are basically turning into uncontrolled, violent mass. Justice, responsibilities, boarders equal rights. It may sounds sort of strange or even a bit of crazy but justice is a starting point of healthy social relationships and society itself. If there's justice, men and women are punished honestly and a trial system functions as it suppose to. With rights you may use your chance to be defended, so your life won't be trapped into a prison cell. Basically, rights provide people with an opportunity to live happily and not think about any danger (excluding natural disasters, of course). 

Furthermore, as rights are given to everyone, no one is privileged. Rights are above corruption, because if you have money, you rule the world, but everybody has the same rights. Although, the way people use rights is a different story. 

         However, rights worth nothing if there is division. For instance, women used to have less rights both in the workplace and at home, an era of patriarchate if you will. As well as women, there are a lot more exceptions connected with race, nation, sexuality, physical appearance, social status and e.t.c. Without a doubt, it's nothing but an outrageous situation. For this very reason, people don't want to be silent anymore, they start to get attention and pushing the idea of equality further into masses. That's certainly the best way to go. Where equality and human rights are assessed, based on evidence and the meaningful involvement of communities, stronger relationships will be built and it will be easier to demonstrate fairness, transparency, accessibility and accountability. 

         Why do we need rights? We wouldn’t be able to live without them. They're a structure and a system and people are the filling. 
Картинки по запросу rights

среда, 5 декабря 2018 г.

Why should we have rights? List

1. To be able to express ourselves. (Right for Freedom of expression)

Need for Freedom of expression in NYT

2. To end any sort of discrimination and have no prejudices. (Equality in the workplace)

Ending discrimination in the workplace NYT

3. To be able to stand for yourself and be defended, if needed. (Right for justice)

Human Rights Movement NYT

4. To have a voice, which matters. (Right for a free choice)

How this right works in the politics NYT

5. So people can live a full life despite all the divisions. (Equal Rights Amendment)

Living to the fullest without any labels NYT

6. To be able to legally start families. (Right for marriage)

Free marriages NYT

7. To be able to have your own opinion. (Problem of a Mind Control)

How the government cuts the right of having an opinion NYT

8. To be able to be an activist and try to improve the quality of life. (Freedom of change)

Human Rights Movement Part 2 NYT

9. To live happily with racial, social and economic justice, and not to have arguments (or wars) over them. (Right for justice and peace)

Justice and peace NYT

10. To not be afraid for your life. (Right for peace)

How people were deprived of this right NYT
Картинки по запросу new york times

среда, 28 ноября 2018 г.

NYT about e-sport

"The games that are competitively viable in the collegiate sphere have real depth, have deep levels of strategy and require strategic teamwork and require real mastery to be successful - and not just by yourself, within a team environment and through using tactics," said Kurt Melcher.

         Well, the topic under consideration is now a part of our everyday lives. This century is actually all about video games, technology and ways of developing this sphere even more. Needless to say that computers took over our world - everyone has one. It's even more complicated now: there is a community even outside of social network - there is a whole gaming universe. 

"Video games are beginning their takeover of the real world. Across North America this year, companies are turning malls, movie theaters, storefronts and parking garages into neighborhood esports arenas." wrote Nellie Bowles in the NYT article.

         The video game industry is a developing sphere of business, it literally exploded as esports became popular. There is a question: How can game without any strategy, teamwork or just a deep sense attract that many people to the industry? The answer is: it can't. There would have never been any sort of esports competition or even esports with simple, superficial structured game. Considering this fact, what Kurt Melcher said definitely makes sense. 
         Let me illustrate my words by giving you an example. League of Legends is a tremendously popular video game, LoL tournaments are organized and are a huge success. Literally, the whole world keeps an eye on this game. Is it a non-strategy, simple game? No, it's 100% not. 
"At its most basic level, League of Legends is a game of capture the flag, though that is a bit like describing brain surgery as “a medical procedure” said 
Riot likes to say LoL is easy to learn but impossible to master. That’s half right. Even the online tutorial that greets you after sign-up will make a neophyte break into a sweat. " (David Segal in the NYT article 

         Without a doubt, video games have evolved from a moving pixel on the map to the world of tactics, strategies and intense hard-working team of not geeks but esportsmen. 

Some New York Times articles were used to write this essay.
Help yourself:

All We Want to Do IsWatch Each Other Play Video Games

суббота, 24 ноября 2018 г.

Module 3 Topic

            Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement. Even though rights, equality, and freedom are hot topics nowadays, there is some confusion. 
            For instance, The Big Brother confusion stands for both personal space and safety. People are always complaining about being watched all the time, but it's worse when Big Brother is caught sleeping on the job. To be more precise, there are a lot of stories of confusing criminals with innocent people. Policemen' predictions and low-quality CCTV put people under the pressure and through stress for no reason. Is it really the way it should work? I don't think so. 
            Speaking about human rights, I can't but say about the right to be educated. The shining example might be children from Rwanda. The majority of the population doesn't have electricity, so they're abandoned from the world. However, Trevor Baylis managed to solve this problem, he created the clockwork - the radio, which doesn't depend on the electricity! It became a way of communication, which was so needed. Through this clockwork, children can also be educated and use the right to the fullest. 
            To be quite honest, some people are more privileged than others, but we're all human with the same rights. Unfortunately, some people needed to fight for freedom, whilst freedom is a given right to everyone, For example, Carribean people even created their own festival celebrating freedom, when slavery became illegal. The Notting Hill Carnival is still held annually in London, it's both profitable and cultural. 
            Moreover, the 21st century is all about technological breakthroughs and developments. Considering that robots are human-like, some science-fiction writers even give them their own rights. This way Daneel Olivaw, as a robot, had everything that an ordinary detective had in the book called "The Cave of Steel". It's all about robots' rights now too. Analyzing every trend in the world nowadays, it won't be surprising if the idea of robots' rights will actually become a reality one day.
            All in all, rights are given us with birth. But nothing is that easy. Sometimes you need to fight, to search for the truth, to create new or even to prove that you deserve it. 

четверг, 22 ноября 2018 г.


An Event for a Technology Week
Lecture on nanotechnology

         Nanotechnology encompasses the understanding of the fundamental physics, chemistry, biology, and technology of nanometre-scale objects. That's why mentioning nanotechnology is so important - it's not only a breakthrough in the technology itself, it's a mix of fundamental sciences. The mix that no one could ever believe would be possible! As we all know, an educational program doesn't include new inventions or extraordinary theories, due to the fact that it's too new and unreliable. However, a Technology Week is a perfect place to help students fill into the adventurous, always-moving world of inventions! 

         During this event, two Ph.D. Professors will give a speech with a presentation on the topic of nanotechnology and usage of nanotechnology in medicine and biotechnology. Everyone is welcomed! After the main part,  there will be an "after-party" and "meet and greet", when students will have an opportunity to chat with the speakers and to really fulfill themselves with knowledge of a progressive world! Be sure to bring some snacks with you, because we'll arrange a buffet reception.  We can't wait to see you there!

                                 An event for the Safety week at school

         Without a doubt, the safety week events should include not only topics on physical health, but also on mental. You might not know this but anxiety, depression, eating disorder or even ADHD (Attention deficit hypertension disorder) became really relatable within the majority of young adults in high schools worldwide.
         As children’s mental stability is not formed yet, they are highly vulnerable in terms of psychological health at school. Actions such as bullying and harassment trigger those damaging disorders. During the event called “Mental health is important”, teachers will tell different stories on how students effected their peers’ lives with their misbehavior, so students may really understand how valuable their actions or words are. Moreover, middle school students will be offered to draw posters in order to raise awareness on topic like bullying. It’s interesting to consider doing a compliment challenge for the whole safety week too. Students and teacher will be asked to give honest compliments for everyone, so we can battle any self-consciousness!
         With this event, we are all looking forward to spread sympathy and kindness. Event’s motto is “Be kind to one another”. Hopefully, this very motto will stick with our students for the rest of their lives.

понедельник, 22 октября 2018 г.

Difficulties of studying English being 5th grader and 11th grader

          Needless to say that these two age groups are completely different in approach to studying in general. English, as a subject, stands out, due to the fact that 5th graders and 11th graders have different mindsets in terms of languages. 

          One of the starting points in language studying is enriching vocabulary. While eleven-year-olds have to memorize both words and translations, young adults can easily decipher the meaning of any word from a context or by knowing the root of a word. Moreover, if you know more words and synonyms, you’ll have a problem with choosing the word to be more sophisticated and precise. Essentially, enlarging vocabulary for 5th graders is as tough and intricate as choosing a right spectrum of words for each topic for 11th graders. 

         Children in 5th grade comparatively have just started learning English grammar, they just need to understand and follow simple rules. Nonetheless, senior students need to choose correctly out of a wide range of grammar structures, such as the causative, passive voice, 12 different tenses or reported speech. It might seem easier but it’s definitely not.

         Listening and speaking are the most important parts of the English language, especially when you consider that language was made to communicate with people and express yourself. A 5th grader is not skilled enough to speak and comprehend fluently. Therefore, there are deprived of “fun learning”. 11th grade is all about fun, creative and interactive learning because students can be educated by a live chat with a foreigner or by YouTube, Ted, Netflix. Basically, senior students can really interact with a world in English, which is definitely helpful for every aspect of English studying, whether it’s grammar, use of English or listening. It doesn’t always mean that it’s an easy path to choose, it’s complicated enough and a language barrier can be a deal breaker.

         Overall, 5th grade is a unique period of time, when you must explore the theoretical material. Even though it doesn’t sound fun, it benefits you in a long run.

воскресенье, 23 сентября 2018 г.

Topic 1 Module

         As we all know communication is key, but what does it mean exactly? Well, to be more precise, the word "communication" has an extensive diversity of definitions and examples. As for me, communication is a wide-range of extremely different actions.
First and foremost, the first thing that comes to my mind is oral communication. However, we should always keep in mind that not everything that people say is a truth, in fact, there's no way that people are completely honest. Nevertheless, there's a way to detect whether the person is lying or not. Gestures, postures and other involuntary signs could help. For instance, rubbing a nose while speaking is a definite sign of a lie.  
Secondly, music can really be a universal language, especially when you consider that music blends barriers between languages. Even though you don't know Russian, you are able to feel and understand music by Russian artists.
Actually, to be absolutely sincere, I believe that every kind of art is a language itself. It goes without saying that there is quite a mixed variety of artists, who speak in their own way, including mimes, clowns, ballet dancers, other dancers. Let's take Slava Polunin as a shining example. You might not know this but his Snowshow is still performed worldwide, due to the fact that he manages to turn the art of mime into a legendary, hilarious story. 

Other than that, I suspect that the most important is non-verbal communication. Smell, touch, sight, and sound are used not only to speak to each other but to share emotions. We all buy new perfumes and try to smell nice because it says a lot about you.
All those communications are very useful to keep in touch with the world around you.

воскресенье, 16 сентября 2018 г.

Guess it

Nothing has changed

Albert Einstein once said: "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."

         Not only schools make the fish climb a tree, they make it climb down and run, jump and crawl for 11 years. Do you realize how many kids relate to that fish? Many kids, who never find their gifts, believing that they're stupid and that they have no talent. They live in the world, where everyone around is jealous of other's success. 

         There are millions of cases when C student outperforms A student in real life situations. They're just simply more successful. Take Mr. Einstein - he was one of the cases. Why is this even a case?

         If you compare Tesla Model X (2015) and  La Marquise (1884)
- enormous change, right? Let's keep going. Iphone XS (2018) and Nokia 3210 (1999). Did you imagine? Alright. Now: classroom nowadays and classroom a century ago. 

Nothing has changed

         School system claims to prepare students for the future. But the question is:

 do you prepare students for the future or the past?

Where it comes from

         The USSR school system was maid to prepare people to work in the industry, in factories. It explains why schools put students in straight rolls and make them sit still, raise the hand if you want to speak, give them a short break to eat and for eight hours a day tell them what to think. 

         Robots system, that's what I'd rather name it. Yet it was considered to be the best int he world. Yes, I get it, it was a different time and different needs.

         However, the world has progressed and we don't need to make robots-zombies. Now we need people who can think differently, creatively, independently with an ability to connect.

         Considering that everyone is different with unique mindsets, why do schools treat children as this one-size-fits-all system? That's horrific. 

Treating employees 

         It's a shame. Teachers have one of the most important jobs on the planet - they touch the heart of a kid and make him interested in the world itself. They fire up the spirit.

Yet they're underpaid

If the new century could customize cars,  health care, and VK pages, it's our duty to do the same with an educational system: To change it, upgrade it, value it. Let's give every gift an equal change. 

We need to focus on collaboration, instead of competition

It's tremendously important to keep in mind that while students are less than 25% of the population, they are 100% percent of the future.

воскресенье, 9 сентября 2018 г.


Inviting letter

Dear Dr. Collins,
I'm tremendously glad to inform you that you've been invited to the annual Medical Conference. You're one of the three hundred Ph.D. holders this year, our team and volunteers have prepared everything you would possibly need to share the hands-on experience.

Medical Conference 2018 will be held in Ontario science center, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Also, the conference is divided into three days -  neurobiology, cognitive sciences, surgery. Be sure to be in Toronto on 11th of June till 15th of June. Moreover, let me give you an overall idea of the event. First and foremost, the conference is expected to have over a thousand quests, including nurses, doctors, professors, medical students, and interns. Secondly, you may need doctors dressing gown and an official clothing for the opening of the conference.

All in all, we are hoping to have you as a part of our event. Please, let the organization know if you will take part in this Medical Conference 2018.

Yours faithfully,
Tatyana Nazarova, the head of the "MedEd Canada"

Accepting letter

Dear Mrs. DeGeneres, 
Thank you so much for the invitation to the "Ellen Show".I would be immensely happy to be a part of the most popular daytime TV show! 

I hope that we can film a great episode, that's why I have a few questions. What is the dress code? Do you want me to be prepared for the "Carpool Karaoke" section? Also, is it possible to have my hair done in your studio before the show? In addition, I would like to know if there will be an after party with Ellen and Portia. Please. let your security know that my husband and I will arrive in the White Tesla X (a119fr) in the morning. 

Thank you so much again, I hope to see you soon.
Tatyana Nazarova

Refusing letter

Dear Elon Musk,
Thank you a lot for the invitation to the Tesla S showcase event. Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it. I'm sure that I'll regret that but it's nothing doing. 

It may sound sort of strange and maybe even a bit crazy I guess but I'll be out of the country the whole of July, due to the fact that I'm applying for the Harvard Medical school and I have an exam to pass on the campus. However, I have preordered a black Tesla Model S and I will not refuse to get it even with a transfer to another city. I'm assured that I won't be disappointed in the car even if I wouldn't see it on the showcase. 

Thank you so much for the invitation, hope the showcase will go incredibly well. 
Yours sincerely, 
Tatyana Nazarova

Asking for advice

Hello Alexandra, 
I'm disappointed to tell you that I wouldn't be able to apply for the college by myself, even though you've told me that it's easy as ABC. I have troubles of understanding the survey the college sent me. 

As my elder sister, you've been through this process before, so, please help. You might not know this but I've applied to Seneca College and they've accepted me. However, they sent me a survey, which is all about my personal data like Post Code or Future Address. I don't know any of this information. I'm not sure that they will accept me without this survey, that's why I want to ask if I can come to your house for the dinner and we could fill the form together or you can just text me some pieces of advice. 

I hope that you can find the time to help with an advice.

Giving Advice

Hey Carmen, 
I'm so sorry to hear that you have trouble with organization your time at school! You shouldn't worry about that, you can cope with that. I thought I'd give you some tips that I find helpful when I'm studying.

To my mind, the best thing to do is to avoid procrastination as hard as you can. This will mean that you should not spend your time unproductively, especially when you consider that you have some kind of phone addiction. Nevertheless, make sure that you include regular breaks in the timetable, though. That way you'll work more efficiently. 

If I were you, I'd try to do a different kind of tasks throughout the day, in case to not get bored with the routine. Have you thought about going to the gym during your spare time? It's a great way to reduce stress level. Finally, be consistent with your schedule - do not break whenever you want. 

Anyway, keep in mind that things get better and don't be anxious. If you ever need a support, be sure to reach me.

Take care,

среда, 9 мая 2018 г.

Some tops

Some tops Top 5 universities in the world by location 1. Canada: University of Toronto – ranked 31 2. Germany: Technische Universität München – ranked 64 3. Japan: University of Tokyo – ranked joint 28 4. Russia: Lomonosov Moscow State University – ranked joint 95 5. Spain: Universitat de Barcelona (UB) – ranked 156
Top 5 Universities in Russia 1. Lomonosov Moscow State University 2. Novosibirsk State University 3. Saint-Petersburg State University 4. Tomsk State University (TSU) 5. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State University

Most international students
1. Florida Institute of Technology (33%) Melbourne, FL 2. The New School (32%) New York, NY 3. University of Tulsa (24%) Tulsa, OK 4. Carnegie Mellon University(23%) Pittsburgh, PA 5. Boston University(22%) Boston, MAКартинки по запросу how many students go to college after high school stats

суббота, 5 мая 2018 г.

Further Education: Colleges

         One of the most relevant reasons to proceed education is the successful career. For a successful career, every student needs knowledge, confidence, academic and technical skills, career opportunities and social skills. To get these benefits college education is immensely important. 
         Frankly speaking, if you haven't got practical skills in the chosen sphere, your academic knowledge won't play a huge role in your career. By the way, that's the way colleges and universities differ. Colleges, as you all know, tend to give more practical skills. Moreover, some colleges even have co-op programs, which will help you with a half-time job or summer practices. Without a doubt, it's the only way you may show yourself off in case to prove your skills. In some cases, co-op programs help with applying for jobs after graduation, isn't it the great way to start the career? 
         However, according to the US stats, approximately 50% of high school graduates attend colleges. What is the reason? I guess fees might be a tremendous problem. The only question that bothers me the most... Why does education cost so much? Nevertheless, college is a great way out to the successful career, loyal friends and just an incredibly fun part of your life. 

суббота, 21 апреля 2018 г.

Put your records on

Put Your Records On
by Corinne Bailey Rae

Three little birds, sat on my window.
And they told me I don't need to worry.
Summer came like cinnamon so sweet,
Little girls double-dutch on the concrete.
Maybe sometimes, we've got it wrong, but it's alright
The more things seem to change, the more they stay the same
Oh, don't you hesitate.

Chorus: Girl, put your records on, tell me your favourite song
         You go ahead, let your hair down
         Sapphire and faded jeans, I hope you get your dreams,
         Just go ahead, let your hair down.
         You're going to find yourself somewhere, somehow.

Blue as the sky, sunburnt and lonely,
Sipping tea in a bar by the roadside, just relax, just relax .
Don't you let those other boys fool you, got to love that afro hair do.
Maybe sometimes, we feel afraid, but it's alright
The more you stay the same, the more they seem to change.
Don't you think it's strange? (Repeat chorus)

It was more than I could take, pity for pity's sake
Some nights kept me awake, I thought that I was stronger
When you going to
realise, that you don't even have to try any longer?
Do what you want to! (Repeat chorus x 2)

double dutch on the concrete = playing games outside
put your records on = listen to music
let your hair down = have fun
find yourself = understand things and be happy
sipping = drinking slowly
afro hairdo = African hair style
more than I could take = too many problems

pity for pity’s sake = being sad for no reason

Glossary Leisure Time

Glossary (more from the theoretical part):
1. Frequently: often
2. Annually: yearly
3. Pub: bar (beer)
4. Quiz night: party with a quiz activity
5. Admission: permission to enter
6. Nemesis: sth that person can't achieve
7. Oblivion: the state of forgetting 
8. Dim: not bright 
9. Chumminess: friendly, sociable 
10.  Fusion: the state of being fused
11. Pure: clear
12. Pop up: appear 
13. income: something that comes or being received 
14. Competence: adequacy 
15. Profound: originating in 
16. Tardiness: late
17. Savor: a particular taste or smell 
18. Premise: a proposition supporting 
19. Errands: a short and quick trip to accomplish a specific purpose
20. Payroll: to fund
21. Wretched: very unfortunate 
22. Empowering: inspiring 
23. Puttering: to busy or occupy oneself 

Teens’ Leisure Time

         Obviously, teenagers all over the world spend their leisure time differently. However, there are always some trends that we can clearly see and analyze. According to "Healthy Families BC", teenagers need free time to explore their own interests, be with friends or just unwind. But do they usually manage their free time properly? We'll figure this out.
         First and foremost, trends have always depended on the opportunities. As Ulrich Reinhardt said during his TEDx speech, "People went to the museums, people went to theatres because there were not too much other things to do", generally, it sums up that leisure activities depend on the technology development. Frankly speaking, 70s teens weren't that addicted to social media, due to the fact that there was no Internet. Needless to say that everybody had no clue that it would ever be a thing. Taking into account only our generation, there are just some activities teens adore to do: social media, going out, play sports. Moreover, hobbies come in all shapes and sizes. Generally speaking, I'd rather say that nowadays teens are just forced to use social media and, at the same time, they're able to choose any activity because the variety is tremendous. According to "Leisure time 3.0", we should start expecting less from technical development and more from ourselves. That's so true. 

         You might not know this but Laura Vanderkam during her speech on TED once said:"But when most of us have bits of time, what do we do? Pull out the phone, right?". That's the worst problem for teens nowadays, isn't it? Well, "maybe we should not just think about what the future will look like, but rather how we want the future to be like". Starting now, we may save a lot of precious time. 

Check out these sites for more information:
3. Healthy families bc

Glossary (used):
1. Trends: a prevailing tendency  
2. Unwind: to undo
3. Manage time: gain control over time
4. No clue: no idea
5. In all shapes and sizes: different 
6. Forced to: pressed to do
7. Tremendous: extraordinarily great
8. Variety: discrepancy
9. Precious: very valuable
10. Obvious: clear to understand 
11. Expect from ourselves: to be full of faith in ourselves 
12. Sums up: total
13. Bits of time: a little more of a free time

14. Pull out: take from

суббота, 14 апреля 2018 г.

Bullying in Social Media

         Basically, all the bullies on the internet stand out with the one thing to say:"You're never good enough". Is it true? No way. Moreover, society expects us to fit in, to look a certain way and to do certain things. "You're not skinny enough" or "You just need to consume less calories, what's the problem"? There is a definition of beauty and if you don't fit in that frames then you will probably be bullied.

         Since the internet started to enter our lives more and more, we started to depend on different opinions. To be more precise, there are a few reasons why. First and foremost, everyone is quite brave to show up and judge people on the Internet. Generally speaking, he would never say it straight to your face, he actually would rather comment on your Instagram photo. I can say without any the least hesitation that it's relatable to the majority of teenagers these days. 

         Secondly, you're forced to live openly. Just think about it for a second, social media is everywhere, in every sphere of your life. Human is a social creature, you can't really live without any interactions. However, it means to be "online" and to be "interactive" in the 21st century. The century when gadgets have overcome the stage of the "just technology". It's a lifestyle now. For this very reason, I can't but say that you're just forced to be somewhere on the internet.

         Bullying has really become "a thing". You might not know this but bullying is actually the reason of children's' anxiety and depression. Internet bullying might grow into even suicidal thought and, unfortunately, suicide. Not surprisingly that if you're being constantly told to be "ugly, stupid, fat" than your self-esteem becomes nothing. You can't feel okay being just yourself.

         Nevertheless, there is just one way out. Everyone, literally, everyone needs to accept people for who they are. Obviously, everyone is unique and different, that's the point. Unfortunately, bullies still exist. 

Social Media (Practice 1)

The Internet has created a whole new world of social communications or social networking for young people who are using e-mail, Web sites, instant messaging, chat rooms and text messaging to stay in touch with friends and make new ones. While most interactions are positive, new technologies have given young people a new and powerful platform from which to target peers through social networking. One effect that...

One effect that stands out the most is isolation. Needless to say that social media is no more than a solid illusion of society. There is no way teenagers are learning to communicate with people properly. In addition, there is just a misunderstanding, due to the fact that a text can't be understood as it was expected. It depends on intonation, mood, and context, there is an enormous diversity of ways to understand just one message. Moreover, emotions are not in touch with social media. Frankly speaking, you may define other person's emotions and feelings only through his eyes and his instant reaction. So, how can you feel the person through smartphone screen? Well, only if you text them in case to invite them to a dinner. 

вторник, 10 апреля 2018 г.


Speaking about entertainment, I can't but say that YouTube is a huge, enormous video hosting, which is immensely popular with people all ages. In case you re bored, there is a list of YouTube channels that you may visit to entertain youself!

First and foremost, Lilly Singh, mostly known by the name "Superwoman". You might not know this but she graduated from the college with a degree in Psychology. However, she makes high-quality videos, writes scripts and stands by the strong ideas and beliefs. For instance, she has fightied for equality for a long time, she has even started campaign, called "Girl love" in case to unite people in a certain way. Moreover, she has over thirteen million subscribers. Easy to say that it's just a hype. Nevertheless, it won't be very true, due to the fact that she works hard every day and her credo is "Hustle harder". I can say without any the least hesitation that she is  truly inspiring person!

Check it out: Main chanel
Check it out: SuperwomanVlog

Secondly, entertainment doesn't always mean to be shows or comedy, it may lso be something inspiring and motivation. Venya is a vlogger, he catch up every single moment of his crazy life. Generally, he vlogs his life in the USA and helps people with learning english language. He moved to the LA from Surgut when he turned eighteen , ince then he has gone through college, different jobs and hobbies. By the way, he is an actor, producer, singer, he basically does everything possibly to be successful. He nailed it. With over 500 thousand subscrribers he shines bright from this list of inspiring people.

Checjk it out: Venya

Overall, YouTube is not only the source of fun videos, it may be a special way to motivate and educate yourself.

воскресенье, 8 апреля 2018 г.

NewSela time-management

1. Megan Red Shirt-Shaw
         Megan is a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe in Pine Ridge. Generally speaking, she is a native American. She is a shining example of people, who know how to set priorities in their lives. 
          Quote:"Almost one year ago, I packed three suitcases and moved 3,000 miles to start at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. I felt like I was carrying every native student I loved with me, along with my mother, father, sister, brother and niece. Standing here, I continue to carry all of those first day voices, but now I also carry all of you, as well." 
         It was so hard for her to move and chase her dreams. However, she had set priorities. Time-management is actually all about achieving your goals. The moral is that you need to take risks and know your priorities. 

Check it out: Megan's story

2. A Wrinkle in Time

         Quote: "A Wrinkle in Time" was first published in 1962. Back then, stories about smart, young females who liked science were scarce, but author Madeline L'Engle was nothing if not a visionary, and so was her book's main character, Meg Murry." 
         This story is about a great timing. Meg, the main character, was the one to show that anyone, female or male, can achieve goals in any spheres of life. She set her goals and then she made a huge, enormous success. 
On March 9, 2018, a Disney movie version of "A Wrinkle in Time" will hit theaters. Meg will continue to send the important message that science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers are not just for boys and men. 
         Those are the professions, which require the skill of time-management. Tip: if you have an exact strategy, then you can set goals in any aspects of life, whether it's more "men's" or "women's" profession. 

Check it out: What a book!

3. Baldwin 

         It's an inspiring story of the successful author, James Baldwin. He really had no time, due to his responsibility to work and support his family financially. 
Quote:"After graduating high school in 1942, Baldwin had to put his plans for college on hold to help support his family, which included seven younger children. He took whatever work he could find, including laying railroad tracks for the U.S. Army in New Jersey. "
         Nevertheless, he got rid of any time wasters and started to chase his dream -share ideas through storytelling.
 "While working odd jobs to support himself, Baldwin began writing his first novel. He also started getting essays and short stories published in various national magazines."
He had a strict schedule but he had never been multitasking, Tip: you can get all the things done just if you concentrate enough to save time. 

Check it out: James's story

My own clever school

         In South Korea, some children study for ten hours a day, six days a week. To my mind, it's too exhausting even for young adults, not to say that it's stressful and harmful for children's minds. For this very reason, I'd love to introduce you to the new system of the "clever school". By the way, it's a plan for children aged seven to eleven. 
         First of all, the school called "YouthCan" will include 10 classes with 20 students in each. Needless to mention that school needs to be mixed because there is no proper socialization in single-sex classes. In addition, schools uniform won't be that strict in this age group. The most important segment - subjects. I'd rather say that credit system would fit ideally. Literally, it means that there are some general subjects that you have to get and some subjects are open to everyone by choice. This system will provide children with a wide-range choice of skills they want to improve or get. Basically, it makes education more interactive and flexible. 
         Scheduling won't be that hard to understand, just a Pomodoro system. 30 minutes for learning, in case to concentrate better and 5 to 10 minutes for breaks. 

         However, I'd rather add more languages to general subjects, due to the fact that children's mind is more accepting of any linguistical material. All in all, the general idea is to make school more enjoyable and flexible. 

вторник, 20 марта 2018 г.

My debt (3 situations)

Situation 1. Example 2. 

The night was very dark and we could see nothing. Frankly speaking, it was as black as a crow, due to the fact that my friend and I were lost on the street of our hometown. You might not know this, but there are both back and blind alleys as well as wide neon-lit central streets in Chelyabinsk. Actually, we are neither a commercial nor a cultural but an industrial center of the South Ural. For this very reason, we were terrified to meet somebody harmful or even dangerous. So we decided to be as quiet as a mouse. Nevertheless, despite all the risks we got to our neighborhood safely. In addition, we had a talk with a police officer, who wasn't really satisfied with the situation. However, he said that nobody is sure that it was just a darkness, probably there was a smoke. It wasn't even a surprise. Unfortunately, environmental problems such as soil, air and water pollution aren't rare in our region. We'd better be more environmentally friendly. 

Situation 2. Example 1. 

Mike is always as busy as a bee. To be quite honest with you, he is just a multitasker. It's evident enough that multitasking is not the best way to study or work. For sure all students see and feel their experience in their own way. Nevertheless, there are some ways to be more productive, especially when you consider that while multitasking, you can't be conscious enough. That's exactly the problem. Well, first and foremost, Mike should tide up his working place. People with neat offices are more persistent and less frustrated and weary. Secondly, Mike is better planning his day. I would have to say that working without a plan is just useless and exhausting. I wish Mike to be more conscious, I hope that he'll find my pieces of advice useful and wholesome. 

Situation 3. Example 3. 

"Can you hurry up, please?!" - my mum shouted. I know, I'm always as slow as a snail. That's very true. To be more precise, I really can not stand being fast, it just feels like time flies. However, I should always keep in mind to hurry up myself. Actually, this isn't something that I have ever considered doing, but in short, I suppose I need to do it because I don't want to waste a lot of time in detention. To be honest, I can be conscious and quick, I am a deep thinker. Thus, I am easily carried away by any unusual activity or innovative thought. For this very reason, you may actually notice me while I'm staring at one point and thinking for approximately thirty minutes. 

понедельник, 12 марта 2018 г.

Integration (Videos+Topic+Creativeness)

         Some people spend their entire life in one place. To be quite honest with you, I can't even imagine how to live without exploring the world or just some new places. There is an enormous amount of holidays you can spend outside of your usual place. 

         Being asked about the exact place of traveling, the first country that comes to my mind is definitely Great Britain. Frankly speaking, England is the best place to celebrate Christmas or spend time during New Year's Eve. The fireworks in London are followed by the London New Year's Day Parade, considered to be the largest New Year parade in the world. A 30-year old tradition, the parade began in 1987 as a way to raise money for local charities. Originally called the Lord Mayor of Westminster's Big Parade, the event was renamed in 1994. Parts of the parade route are only accessible to ticketed viewers.

         Nevertheless, there are some quite useful and wholesome means of transport we may use in case to even moving to other countries. First and foremost, A Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. It may sound sort of strange and even a bit crazy, but the Hyperloop could become the most useful transport in the future. We should definitely keep the eye on this Elon Mask's new project! 

         Secondly, The Channel Tunnel is a 50 km rail tunnel, which is being used to shorten the time of transportation. Your underwater journey may end as quickly as it begins because this train is highly mobile and fast. This journey will give you all a yearning for new experiences, and many wonderful memories that you will cherish forever. Be sure to try it one day!

         As we all know, means of transport are required to use an immense amount of resources. However, alternative sources of energy can substitute traditional energy sources with almost no negative effects on the environment. Isn't it insane? For this very reason. people are able to use as many resources as they need, just in case they have some alternative energy appliances. 

         All in all, I'd choose to explore the world without any the least hesitation. Moreover, people have a lot of opportunities to do so. We should always keep in mind that if there is a will, there is a way. Nevertheless, we can always take an imaginary trip, you just need to get a book. Be sure to explore a center of the Earth with Jule Vernes's book!