вторник, 19 февраля 2019 г.

36 questions and you're in love!

Love has always been an eternal philosophical topic. Even though science knows how pheromones and hormones work behind the scenes, love implies a deeper sense than this. Research on creating love by only 36 questions and a 4-minute eye to eye contact is a controversial side of love. The question is: does it really work this way?
Well, some say yes, some say no. And it seems confusing at first but if you think deeper, you'll realize that falling in love is not the same with staying in love. 
As Mandy Len Catron, an author of "To Fall in Love With Anyone, Do This" article in NYT, said: "Love didn’t happen to us. We’re in love because we each made the choice to be." So, yeah, those 36 questions do work, especially when you consider that they literally foster closeness by a mutual vulnerability. However, they work in terms of creating a closer relationship and not a lifelong love. What does create love then?
Love is a product of a spark, trust, respect, feelings, and, most importantly, a choice. It's that simple - love is a choice. Furthermore, any love is something you are capable of choosing and creating and sustaining, from self-love to a lifelong love. 
"I’ve begun to think love is a more pliable thing than we make it out to be. Arthur Aron’s study taught me that it’s possible — simple, even — to generate trust and intimacy, the feelings love needs to thrive." - says Mandy. Thriving love won't happen by a few questions, but isn't it a great start? 

Watch an episode of Can 2 Strangers Fall in Love with 36 Questions? by Jubilee

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